The different types of Tiles available in the market

To get that exquisite finish in your home, be it your living room, bedroom, kitchen or bathrooms, tiles are always a great choice. They have the ability to provide both style as well as a long lasting solution to your décor needs owing to their durability.
In the markets though, there are a lot of different types of tiles available and getting to choose what works best for you shouldn’t be difficult…well aside from settling on one out of the very many great options available!

Porcelain Tiles

The word ‘porcelain’ should be a common one to many of you reading this. It is a material that is applied in making a wide variety of things aside from porcelain tiles…utensils and ornaments are an example.
If you’re in the market for new tiles, consider opting for porcelain made tiles. They present a number of advantages that not many other materials can compare with.

The benefits of choosing Porcelain Tiles for your project

Whether you are a seasoned homeowner looking for a simple upgrade or a new home owner searching for the perfect finish for your home, you can’t go wrong with porcelain tiles.
Let’s highlight a few of the merits presented by porcelain tiles:
1. Durability
This had to go first on my list. Owing to the nature of their material which is naturally dense and not as permeable as others, porcelain tiles are able to service you for a great deal of time. The two properties stated ensure that it is strong and resistant even when tested by some unfavourable conditions.
2. Their optic value
By this I simply mean they look great! Porcelain has a clean, sharp look and there is also the option of getting polished porcelain tiles which offer better visual appeal. It’s all up to your tastes but you can’t go wrong with porcelain as your choice of material for tiles whatever option you decide to get.
3. Pricing
Porcelain tiles are easily available meaning that they have a favourable pricing which makes them a popular choice for many. In terms of installation and maintenance, porcelain tiles also offer an edge as compared to other tiles made of different material.
4. Many areas of application
Porcelain material as stated earlier has a lot of good properties which mean it can be adapted to a wide range of uses. In the case of porcelain tiles here, they can be used in a number of areas of the home such as:
lThe Bathroom
Porcelain tiles are a great fit for bathroom flooring. This is because they are not as porous as other material and they can be designed to reduce the risk of slipping.
lThe Kitchen
Also a popular choice for kitchen finishing since it is more resistant to absorbing
water or moisture as well as staining, which can easily happen from spillages in
kitchens owing to the nature of activity done there.

If you want a proper tile upgrade for anywhere in your home, porcelain is certainly the way to go.


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